Thursday 12 January 2012

Narrative art.

I'm working with narrative this year really, if I have any one theme to my work it's that so I've been looking for work that's trying to do the same. Images and interactions that tell a story. Looking through things online makes me wonder if I've narrowed my gaze too much sometimes. I was reading a page that mentioned Picasso's Guernica as a narrative piece and can only agree given the story although without the background I guess a viewer might find it hard to pick a human atrocity for the subject much less Nazi Germany's test run of bombing civilian populations using the Spanish army as their goons. It's certainly, amongst many, about that time that can't be forgotten.

Sequential narrative image was more the sort of thing I've been thinking about like Trajan's column which depicts the Roman victories in the Dacian wars. Many Roman 'Victory Columns' used sequential narrative imagery to depict their military might and I'm sure remind the population who was in charge.

Greek friezes and vases also depicted the battles of the Gods and the mortals and the stories that would be passed down through generations. If only my crockery was so informative.

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