Wednesday 25 January 2012

I was just recommended this site for fun art.

I found some artists to look at:

Sergey Vlasov
Archan Nair
Fernando Aponte
Nicholas Kennedy Sitton
Atelier Olschinsky
Pete Harrison
Ludovic Cordelières
Mike Harrison

The Chronic Argonauts - H. G. Wells (1888)

This story predated The Time Machine, I've mentioned it in my dissertation.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Monday 23 January 2012

The Maccabees

I should've taken my big camera, ah well.

Henry David Thoreau's 'Economy' from 'Walden'

I found a quote from this for use in my dissertation and have looked at Thoreau before. Transcendentalism appeals to me in that I hate when people are too happy to be a cog in a machine and laying their better judgment aside to follow orders.

The Zine that never happened

At the start of the year i was thinking about putting together a bi-weekly or monthly booklet with stories and artwork of mine to be distributed freely in the local area. The obstacle of cost and time made me reconsider this and the idea evolved into the story blog Mindscape Words but I still have the cover designs I put together.