Thursday 1 November 2012

Fictional Biology

This isn't quite what I was looking for but it's interesting. There might be a project for me in here.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

I'm really looking forward to some films this year.

Time travel narratives = fun.

Intricate storytelling I'm assured, I haven't read the book, yet, and if this film is a fraction of the fun it looks to be I'll love it.

Friday 14 September 2012


This one I've heard of at least but reading up on it is very confusing. It seems to have started out with an anti-war sentiment at it's core but later on that seems lost in all of the abstraction later on.



Despite going to art school there are still so many fancy terms for movements and styles of art that I've never heard of and I learnt a new one today; Fluxism. It seems to be an attempt to avoid being drawn into traditional or classical art and in the same way as modern music seems to have come about as a new form/thing (this is the technical speak) through the fusion of older formats. I'd try to explain it more but I'm lazy and I can just post the link below.


Saturday 28 July 2012

A very important talk

I'd call it a debate but the points are too well made to call it two sided, go Stephen Fry.

Monday 16 July 2012

One of those TV shows I'd almost forgotten

It was called Life Force, set in post apocalyptic Scotland with children who have superpowers. There is no clip of it anywhere. I think BBC got rid of it.