... was recomended to me for research by the external examinor. Her work uses fictional narration (that's how it's worded on her site) which I belive means it would be classed as fictional and is narrative and not that the narration is somehow fake or false. These narrative take place in underwater scenes which from what she says in an interview sounds like it was inspired by The Three Gorges Dam in China. The work has very metallic or plastic aesthetic which makes me think of sci-fi architecture in films or illustrations where vast cities seem to have been planned by the same architect creating a very unified but in that case slightly dull environment, I like varied architecture but that's off topic. I was wondering why I'm seeing so few hits for it in youtube but it says my results have been filtered by the administrator. Yay for censorship! Wolbers says that the dodgy green and red colour process called Kinema Color used in her piece Trailer was abandoned almost as soon as it was invented, I can see why if it looks as low quality elsewhere as it did on youtube, maybe not. Someone on youtube needs to find a higher quality rip, it looks beautiful on her site. The detatched way that the narrative ties into the imagery is also applicable to the idea I have for resolving Derelict Reserve with video and the audio. The references in her narratives vary as much as mine across topics as broad so that's definately an apt refference point for me too look further at. It was odd when I was asked what my theme was and I tried to think if there was any overarching refference point for my work, not so much. I like to fit the theme around an idea instead of working within a topic which would seem frustratingly limiting.